

How much is the shipping?

Shipping costs vary depending on where you want your order delivered. The cost will be displayed in your cart before confirming the order. Customs taxes are not included.

How long do deliveries take?

Your package leaves our warehouse within 48 hours of placing your order. In Spain it can take between 24-48 hours. Outside of Spain, delivery times vary depending on the delivery location of your order.

What countries do you deliver to?

We ship worldwide.

Where I can get my order?

When you place your order, you can enter your preferred delivery address, such as your home or office. We do not ship to zip codes.

Where is my order shipped from?

Your order is shipped from our warehouse in Valencia, Spain.

What happens if I am not at home when the order is delivered?

Our delivery company will try to deliver your order to the address you specified. If you are not present when the order is delivered, the delivery company will try again.

If you have any questions, contact: